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Marla Gregory

Board Treasurer

My Story

Marla Gregory has been involved with Rock House Kids since 2018 and serves as the Board Treasurer. She was first introduced to Rock House Kids when her church sponsored a kid-friendly food drive for RHK and she brought in her donations. As she learned more about RHK from Ms. Dee, she felt the desire “to serve with a Christ-centered environment that changes the direction and future for at-risk children.”

Marla is passionate about education and left her position as a Program Manager at Woodward Governor to homeschool her own children. She believes education is an important contributing factor in helping children break the cycle in order to lead a healthier and brighter future. “The children need to have their basic needs met first in order for that to happen. By helping provide the tools, we are helping to give hope.”

There is always an outpouring of love at Rock House Kids...both for the children and from the children. “When I walk into RHK, I am always overwhelmed with the unconditional love the kids have and it warms my heart. I could hug them all day long.” Marla also added she is amazed with the continued support and generosity from the community that our children have not been forgotten during this pandemic.

Marla received her degree from Judson College. She is currently the financial controller for Dixon Automatic Tool, Inc. and has been there for the last 10 years. She and her husband, Todd, have two daughters, Tara and Julia. They are also blessed with two grandsons, Brian and Harrison.

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