Food Donations

Kid-Friendly Food Bags
The children who visit Rock House Kids do not always get three meals a day - in fact, some get no meals. When they attend our program, they are sent home with a bag of 10-12 nutritional items that will help sustain them while they are away from our facility.
Items must be individually wrapped and single serving sized
Food must be ready to eat, non-perishable and non-refrigerated
Here are some examples of the food items we like to put in their bags:
Dry cereals (approx. 1 oz. boxes)
Breakfast or nutrition bars
Peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers
Fruit roll ups, fruit snacks, raisins
Pudding cups (non-refrigerated)
Fruit cups (non-refrigerated)
Cookies and crackers-small packs
Capri Sun, juice boxes (non-refrigerated)

Hot Meals
When kids attend our program, they know they will receive a hot meal to fill their tummies, and can go back for seconds if they want more.
Most often, these meals are provided through generous donors - businesses, organizations, churches, and individuals - who want to help make sure no child goes home hungry.
Evening Meal Planning Information
Evening meals are scheduled weeks in advance. To find out what dates are available, contact Kandi Fenton. ​​
Our kids come to programming night HUNGRY!
Below are the current counts for the number of meals needed:
Monday & Wednesday – 150 Healthy portions
Tuesday & Thursday – 75 Healthy portions
We strive to provide a protein, vegetable, fruit and dessert for each meal. Drinks are provided by RHK. We can supplement the meal with food from a small supply we keep on hand, including vegetables, fruits, desserts, and condiments, but ask that you try to provide the main part of the meal. Garlic bread or rolls are also appreciated.
Some suggestions:
Tacos with tortilla shells
Pulled pork or chicken on buns
Walking tacos with chips
Fried chicken​
Spaghetti with meat sauce
Barbeque/sloppy joes​​
Breakfast items
Mac n cheese
Shepherd’s Pie, Chicken pot pie
Applesauce, mixed fruit cocktail, diced peaches
Sub sandwiches
Fresh Fruit (Watermelon, grapes, apples)​
Chicken and noodles
Corn, green beans, broccoli
Note: Meals must be prepared in a facility approved by the health department. If you do not have access to a facility, we have a list of restaurants and grocery stores we work with that are familiar with providing meals for us, and it is available upon request. We appreciate it if you can deliver the meal if possible. If not, please call us in advance to schedule a pickup.
​Meals must be received by 5:30 PM. We start serving at 5:45 PM. Refrigerated meals with warming instructions can be dropped off during our normal business hours of 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We can supply inserts from our electric roasters or aluminum pans for you to fill and bring back ready to heat and serve if needed.
Please also note the following:
For auditing reasons, we do need an estimated cost of each meal. Our Office Coordinator will reach out prior to your scheduled day to receive this information.
It is helpful for us to know ahead of time what the meal being provided will be. This helps us prep the kitchen for what is needed and lets us know if there are additional items we may need to provide. We will call to confirm a little before the scheduled date.
We never know exactly how many kids are coming each night, we aim high to ensure no child will go hungry. If we have leftovers, they are provided to a church that feeds the homeless.
Regular providers- monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, etc. is crucial and so appreciated. If you are not currently on a consistent schedule, and are able to do so, please reach out to us at 815-962-5067 and talk with Kandi.
​You do not have to serve the food you provide. We have volunteers who will serve; But, if your group would like to help serve, please let us know, and we will add you to the schedule!